We Addressed Your Concerns

Lack of Quality Teachers in Schools

Our teachers have MSc, PhD or advanced degrees

Expensive Quality Education

We are using technology to make quality education affordable

Access to Quality Educaton

We cater to in-person, remote and self-paced students

We Are Changing Education

Local Exam Prep

We prepare students for local examinations such as UTME, POST UTME, GCE, SSCE, and JSSCE at affordable prices

International Exams

We also prepare students for international examinations such as SAT, GRE, TOEFL, IETLS as well admission consultancy

Learning Platforms

We have invested in learning management systems that makes in-person, live-online and self-paced classes fun

QEFAS: Much More Than a School

We chose to be a preparatory school in order to be able to utilize technology unhindered to provide quality education that is within the reach of all families regardless of socio-economic class


Most of our instructors have advanced degrees and many years of teaching experience that are also passionate about education


QEFAS wants everyone who values education to have the opportunity to access quality education at affordable price


QEFAS provides proprietary learning software and learning management systems that foster learning


QEFAS invested in conducive learning environment for our in-person students in a secured and 24/7 clean power supply

Multi-dimensional Access

Students within vicinity have access to in-person classes, remote students can connect via internet to the live class or self-paced class

Multi-sensory learning

QEFAS engages studenrs through the usage of ICT compliant classrooms to maximize learning outcomes 

Accessing Quality Education

For students within the vicinity of QEFAS PREP, we got you covered; for students who are remote, we have you in mind, and for students who do not have access to good internet facility, you are not left behind

In-Person Classes

If you are nearby, come and learn in a conducive environment, 24/7 power supply, private security, and access to world-class ICT facilities.

Live-Online Classes

If you are remote, then join our Live-Online Classes whereby you can interact with teachers via Video Conferences.

Self-Paced Classes

For those busy when live classes are going on, you have an opportunity to subscribe to our self-paced learning courses. You learn at your own pace.